2024-25 Community Support Program

Applications are NOW OPEN! Apply before 16 June 2024.

Community Support Program

The Community Support Program is a key community engagement initiative that provides funding for a range of community initiatives, projects and events within our service area.

We believe it is important that the initiatives and projects we support make an impact to our region, building positive change in our local communities and have committed $35,000 through our community support program to support eligible community organisations.

We will consider applications that align with our commitment to support a more sustainable community, that are associated with three key themes of healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy planet, and at least one of the following six categories:

  • water and wastewater literacy and education
  • water conservation
  • environmental wellbeing/sustainability
  • health and liveability of our community
  • social wellbeing of our community
  • cultural heritage / Aboriginal water values.

Fact sheet – 2024-25 Community Support Program

FAQ – 2024-25 Community Support Program

Terms and conditions

Find out all you need to know to prepare a successful application.

Terms and Conditions – 2024-25 Community Support Program

Application period

Applications for 2023-24 Community Support Program open 18 May 2024 and close 11.59pm 16 June 2024.

18 May 2024 - Applications open 16 June 2024 - Regular applications close 2-3 weeks turn around - Quick response notifications 31 July 2024 - Outcomes advised to applicants 15 Aug 2024 - Cheque presentation event

We will consider applications that align with our commitment to support a more sustainable community, are associated with the three key themes and at least one of the following six categories outlined in our Terms and Conditions document.

To ensure your application has the best chance, please address all required information, paying particular care to make your application relevant to the themes and categories, and ensure you meet the eligibility criteria in the menu below.

There are five sponsorship packages to choose from.

Each package aims to promote drinking tap water; water conservation; sustainable environmental outcomes; or will build important community partnerships.

Choose which package suits your needs:

1. Schools

Aim: to financially support local schools or kindergartens with a project or educational program.

Amount: up to $3,000

  • Project or education program examples include:
  • water and wastewater literacy and education
  • water conservation
  • physical or mental wellbeing
  • environmental wellbeing/sustainability
  • cultural heritage/Aboriginal water values.
2. Sports hydration

Aim: to financially support local sports clubs to purchase one of the following Choose Tap branded hydration items:

Option 1: Game hydration kits

Each kit contains two bottle carriers with 20 reusable ‘squirt’ water bottles. Clubs can apply for a maximum of four carriers (40 bottles).

Amount: up to $500

Option 2: Water cooler dispenser(s)

A large 55L water cooler dispenser for easy refills at your next game.

Amount: up to $500

3. Event package

Aim: to financially support the running of local sustainable events, by reducing single use plastic and supporting a healthy community and lifestyle.

The event package includes:

  • $500 cash sponsorship
  • hire of our Hydration Station trailer or portable fountains
  • 50 x reusable water bottles
  • A sign printed and displayed on our roadside Billboard (1-2 weeks)

The event must include tap water promotion, and must not have single use plastic water bottles available for sale or as giveaways.

4. Water refill stations (fountains)

Aim: to financially support the purchase of permanent water refill stations (fou0ntains) at local sports clubs, schools or non-profit club facilities.

Option 1: In-ground drinking fountain with bottle refill

Amount: up to $7,000*

Option 2: Wall-mounted fountain with bottle refill

Amount: up to $5,000*

* If the purchase price of the fountain costs more, balance is payable by organisation.

*Installation and ongoing costs must be covered by the organisation which manages the location. (This is usually negotiated with the relevant local council or a committee of management.)

5. Small projects

Aim: to financially support local sustainability projects, preferably involving water efficiency, water for cultural values or water for recreation.

Amount: up to $5,000

Project examples include:

  • weed control around waterways or sensitive environments
  • re-vegetation with indigenous plants
  • improving the health of local waterways
  • building a school vegetable garden or sustainable indigenous garden bed for teaching purposes
  • purchase or installation of water saving products including:
    • water tanks
    • water pumps
    • water saving toilets
    • irrigation system.


To be eligible to receive sponsorship from Westernport Water, your event, initiative or campaign must meet set criteria.

Your application will be viewed favourably if it::
  • positively promotes Westernport Water’s products or services (water and wastewater)
  • helps build strong community relationships
  • provides shared community benefit through partnerships.
To be eligible for the Community Support Program your application MUST meet the following criteria:
  • be located or held within Westernport Water’s service area. View our service area map on our website
  • provide evidence of not-for-profit registration or registered charity  (e.g. incorporated community group, management committee, sporting club, volunteer group or school. For-profit businesses cannot receive sponsorship funding)
  • MUST be single use plastic water bottle free (If you are requesting event support)
  • publicly recognise Westernport Water as a Sponsor and/or Event Partner
  • positively promote Westernport Water by aligning with the key themes (healthy people, healthy communities and healthy planet).
Westernport Water will NOT support sponsorships that:
  • are for projects/initiatives outside our service region
  • could attract adverse community criticism
  • request open-ended sponsorship
  • have outstanding evaluation or acquittal reports from previous applications
  • aim to deliver or replace core government services
  • seek donations for fundraising teams or individuals for charity
  • seek retrospective funding or budget deficits
  • fund political campaigns or groups seeking support for personal interests
  • fund events that discriminate adversely against any persons, organisations or group
  • have a co-sponsor supplying bottled water to the project/event. Events MUST be single use plastic water bottle free
    have a co-sponsor whose values don’t align with our values
  • fund projects which conflict with Government Policy or objectives
  • have visible links to tobacco, gaming, alcohol or drug-related issues, including co-sponsors from these industries
  • fund proposals that do not align with the overall intent of the sponsorship objectives
  • requests that do not comply with Westernport Water’s Sponsorship and Donation Policy
  • do not comply with the Information Privacy Act 2000.

For more information, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Sponsorship acknowledgement

Recipients will be required to publicly acknowledge Westernport Water’s sponsorship. The acknowledgement MUST comply with Westernport Water’s Brand and Style Guide and clearly indicate the support for the sponsored activity.

This includes:

  • media acknowledgment in local newspapers, television or radio exposure
  • recognising Westernport Water as an Event Partner on the event’s website at least two weeks prior to the event/program
  • acknowledging Westernport Water as an Event Partner on the events social media channel at least one week prior to the event/program, and again on the day of the event (minimum)
  • inclusion of the Westernport Water logo on posters and any printed marketing materials
  • signage on site reflecting Westernport Water’s support as an Event Partner (pull-up banners and flags can be borrowed for event duration)
  • acknowledgment on day of event by MC (if applicable)
  • post event acknowledgment of sponsorship in local newspapers, and social media
  • invitation for a Westernport Water representatives to attend the event or oversee project, and take photos for promotional use (if applicable)
  • sharing at least three high resolution event/program-related images with Westernport Water staff or logo/signage, with authorisation to use these images for promotional purposes
  • Westernport Water MUST sight and approve all marketing material where the corporate identity will appear.


  •  applications MUST be submitted online using the Community Support Program Application Form
  • applications for 2024-25 Community Support Program
    • open 18 May 2024
    •  close 16 June 2024
  • Westernport Water reserves the right to decline proposals that do and don’t meet the detailed criteria, and to terminate agreements if they fail to meet the
    agreed commitments.
  • successful applicants will receive a letter inviting them to enter into a sponsorship agreement by completing a Funding Agreement Form, which MUST be completed before funding is released
  • funding MUST be spent in the 2024-25 financial year
  • all recipients MUST provide a tax invoice to obtain sponsorship funds
  • successful applicants MUST complete an Acquittal Form within three months of the project being completed and received no later than 2 June 2025.

Failure to comply with T&C’s

Westernport Water reserves the right to terminate the Sponsorship Agreement or seek repayment of any funding if:

  • the recipient fails to meet the obligations outlined in the T&C’s
  • it believes that the applicant has spent funding on items not associated with its original application and allocated purpose or has otherwise misappropriated the funds
  • the applicant has NOT completed the Acquittal Form. Failure to return an Acquittal Form will result in applicants being ineligible for sponsorship in subsequent years until a completed Acquittal Form is provided
  •  funds are not expended by 2 May 2025, unless prior arrangements have been made.

Inability to meet the Terms & Conditions of the Sponsorship Agreement will render applicants ineligible for sponsorship in the future

Supporting attachments

Where required, supporting documentation helps us to assess your application and can be used to demonstrate that your project has broad community support or identified as a key priority by stakeholders.

They might include:

  • project quotes or plans
  • letters of support: Should be provided if they are relevant to the application i.e. project partner or a group that will directly benefit from the project or are providing funds and/or in-kind support
  • photos or newspapers cuttings from previous activities (if available)
  • business or development plans, feasibility studies, masterplans, community plans, etc.
  • constitution, articles of association or memorandum.
  • Arts Society Phillip Island Region Inc.
  • Cowes Yacht Club Inc
  • Destination Phillip Island
  • Kilcunda Community Association Incorporated
  • Phillip Island & District Railway Modellers Inc.
  • Phillip Island Fire Brigade
  • Phillip Island Landcare Group
  • Phillip Island Community Orchard
  • Phillip Island Ukulele Group Incorporation
  • PI Progress Association
  • Powlett River Primary School
  • Phillip Island Golf Club
  • The Island Story Gatherers Inc.
  • Totally Renewable Tenby
  • Threatened Species Conservancy
  • San Remo District Tourism & Business Inc.


Application form

Apply here between 18 May – 16 June 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Quick answers to the most common questions about our Community Support Program? Browse through… Read More

Sponsorship and Donation Policy – Adopted 2022

Click here to view our Sponsorship & Donations Policy… Read More

Successful applicant forms

Forms for successful applicants can be found here…. Read More

Previous Community Support Program recipients

View past recipients of our Community Support Program here… Read More