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Current Request For Quotes at Westernport Water

QuoteDescriptionDue Date
Supply of Mobile Backup GeneratorsWesternport Region Water Corporation (WPW) is seeking assistance from an appropriately qualified and experienced party to supply and d... Read MoreThursday 22nd August, 2024
at 2:00pm
Supply of Fixed Backup GeneratorsWesternport Region Water Corporation (WPW) is seeking assistance from an appropriately qualified and experienced party to supply, deliv... Read MoreThursday 22nd August, 2024
at 2:00pm
King Road Irrigation Pump Station UpgradeWesternport Region Water Corporation (WPW) is seeking assistance from an appropriately qualified and experienced party to complete work... Read MoreFriday 2nd August, 2024
at 2:00pm

Current Tenders at Westernport Water

TenderDescriptionDue Date
No record yet. Please check back at a later date.
How to find tenders

A full list of current tenders can be found at our Tenderlink portal, or a hard copy form can be collected from our Newhaven office.


For further information regarding the technical aspects of a tender, use the designated contact in the tender documents.
Access, review and download our tenders.

Tenderers please note the Victorian code of practice for the building and construction industry (Victorian Guidelines) applies to all building and construction tenders.

Tender Submissions

Tender and Quote submissions close at the time and the date specified.