Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your water supply

Learn about how we are maintaining essential services and what assistance is available to customers.

The continued provision of reliable water and wastewater services is critical to the wellbeing of our community.

Need to get in touch?

To talk with one of our team, or for information on any matter related to our products and services, please contact us in one of the following ways:

1300 720 711 (General Enquiries) 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday

1800 24 90 90 (Faults and Emergencies) 24 hour

All emails should be sent to our central email address. They will be redirected to the appropriate person upon receipt.


National Relay Service (TTY Text Phone): 133 677 then ask for 5956 4100
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service:

Website:  Our website has a number of online forms available to enable customers, plumbers, builders and developers to make requests, but if in doubt please email or call us.

We provide an essential service

Water and sanitation are essential to everyone’s lives and wellbeing.

24 hours a day, seven days a week, our services support critical health services such as hospitals and GP clinics, as well as our most at-risk members of the community, such as older people and people with pre-existing medical conditions, including those with kidney failure requiring dialysis treatment.

Toilet paper is the only flushable wipe

Our team is working to keep the sewerage system moving, but we need your help. We ask that you stick to the three P’s, pee, poo and toilet paper.

Click to find out how you can keep our sewers clean

Water and sanitisation are basic to our health

We make sure our customers and communities have access to safe drinking water and a reliable sewerage system.

Good hygiene practices, such as frequent hand washing and surface cleaning, rely on the provision of high quality water to the community. These measures are necessary to reduce the risk of infection and slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Safe removal and treatment of sewage is also critical to keeping our community and environment healthy, preventing contact with harmful viruses and bacteria.

Drinking water supplied to your tap by water utilities is safe to drink

In Victoria, reticulated drinking water supplies are highly regulated and well treated, and water utilities are well placed to continue providing safe, good quality drinking water to Victorians.

The safety of drinking water supplied to Victorians by water utilities is regulated by the Department of Health and Human Services under a comprehensive regulatory framework.

Water supply is an essential service and we will continue to deliver safe tap water directly to your home every day.

*For further information about hygiene, safe water and sanitation visit the DHHS website

Our essential services must continue

Our priority is to provide every customer with safe and reliable water and sewerage services.

Consistent with the latest public health advice from the Victorian Government our frontline teams are working modified hours around the clock to keep water flowing and toilets flushing to every home and business across our service area. We are also a critical support to the operation of every essential business.

To ensure this continuity of service, our planned and emergency works programs must continue.

Our employees and contractors will not enter your home but may require access to read meters,  make repairs or maintain our underground pipes that run through your property, to keep services operating for our communities.

The safety of our people, contractors and community is paramount in all that we do. We implement and continually review our measures to control coronavirus (COVID-19) health and safety risks in our workplaces, in accordance with current government advice.

We ask our community to help us as we help them to keep their water and sewerage services available during this time. We respect customers’ individual needs and will make every effort to minimise any inconvenience or concerns, as well as supply an alternative water source when a shut off is necessary.

View all our alerts and current and completed works

We are here to help our community

We know this is a tough time for many of our customers financially and we can help.

Our financial assistance programs provide tailored options to customers who are having trouble paying their water bill, including payment extensions, flexible payment options and assisting with access to government grants and programs.

We are not restricting water supply to any customers who can’t pay their bill.

We encourage any residential and business customers that may be experiencing financial stress to contact us so we can provide tailored support and assistance.

You can give us a call on 1300 720 711, email us or make an online enquiry.

Support for business and commercial customers

Westernport Water is committed to supporting local business and commercial customers impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) and is offering, payment extensions of up to three months and flexible payment arrangements by agreement.

To request a payment extension or set up a payment plan, please call on 1300 720 711, email us or make an online enquiry.